Interview: J.S. Taylor

Today I have an Interview with J.S. Taylor, Author of Close Up and Personal

Is There a Message in Your Novel That You Want Readers to Grasp?

There are a few messages I think. I’ve based it a little on a fairy story – so there are subtle
(and not so subtle!) references to Beauty and the Beast. This is the story of redemptive
love. That no matter how bad someone’s past behavior is, love can save them and make
them do good things. The movie which Isabella is scheduled to act in is also based on
Beauty and the Beast.

There’s also a little bit about judgment and anger in there. That someone’s outside
behavior doesn’t always show what they’re really feeling. And emotions like pain and
sadness can twist into other things on the surface.

Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

I have to say, I love writing so much, that I would do it all day every day if I could. I
suppose it’s a bit challenging to map out the characters before – because I so desperate
to start writing! But I know I have to fully map everyone out if they’re going to interact
together well and tell a good (hopefully!) story.

If You had the chance to cast your main character from Hollywood today, who
would you pick and why?

Oooo I love this question! I have thought about this. Can I have more than one? In terms
of appearance, I see Isabella as looking quite a lot like Megan Fox, but I think this actress
might be a bit too worldly wise to play her.

I love the idea of Jennifer Lawrence playing her (she’d have to dye her hair, but her eyes
are right!), and of course Kristen Stewart.

When did you begin writing?

As soon as I could hold a pen I wrote stories. I started writing professionally for national
newspapers aged 19. I wrote my first (terrible!) novel, aged 20. I’m 33 now.

How long did it take to complete your first book?

My very first book took about six months. Books after take around six months to get the
words down, and up to another year to perfect. The Spotlight series gets written a little
quicker than this, since it’s such a light format.

Did you have an author who inspired you to become a writer?

Sooo many authors, who I know I will never be as good as. Jackie Collins is probably the
main one. If I could be as quarter as good as Jackie, I would be happy.

What is your favorite part of the writing process?

I like it all (sorry!), but I guess I prefer getting started to finishing up. I like taking time
with the real fantasy scenes, where the characters visit fancy hotels and restaurants. I’ve
been to a lot of these places as a journalist in London, so it’s fun to describe them as I see

Describe your latest book in one Tweet!

Actress and director – the stage is set for passion

Can you share a little bit about your current work or what is in the future for your

Sure! I’m currently finishing the Berkeley Method, and after that I’ll get getting started
on the sequel to that – The Directors Cut, or The Final Act – this will depend on whether
Issy and James need three books to tell their story rather than four. So we’ll have to wait
and see how quickly they can move!

Twitter: jstaylorauthor
Facebook: JS Taylor

You can find me Review of Up Close and Personal HERE

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